This year our Easter mini tour saw us singing two concerts and a morning service in the Hampshire/West Sussex area. The weekend was a huge success and we were very warmly received by our audiences and congregation, who were extremely generous in their donations to the Veterinary Benevolent Fund, the charity for whom our late bass, David Bee, was fundraising when he died in June 2015, and to whom the weekend was dedicated.
Saturday 2nd April 2016
7.30pm, Holy Trinity Church, Bosham, West Sussex
Sunday 3rd April 2016
3pm, St Andrew, Hurstbourne Priors, Hampshire
‘All Creatures Great & Small’
The programme included works by composers ranging from Lassus to Stanford, and Mendelssohn to Mitchell, featuring grasshoppers, apes, lambs, birds, and many other creatures!

Sunday 3rd April 2016
10.30am, St Andrew, Hurstbourne Priors, Hampshire
BCP Matins
Responses Clucas
Canticles Boyce in C
Anthem God so loved the world – Stainer
Organ Jack Butterworth