Vox Cantab’s 2015 summer tour began with a much-anticipated return to the lovely Trefin Chapel, near St Davids in Pembrokeshire, where the Choir were extremely warmly-received in 2013. We also gave a performance in St Mary’s, Haverfordwest, and in St Davids Cathedral, as part of their summer recital series. The week finished with Evensong at the Cathedral, and we were delighted to have Dr Rowan Williams in the congregation.
We were pleased to welcome back prize-winning organist Tim Parsons to play and conduct for us once more, along with our director Louisa Denby. The Choir also undertook visits to local hospices and nursing homes as part of our Summer Outreach Project.
St Davids 2015 Tour Schedule
Sunday 16th August, 7.30pm
Trefin Chapel, Trefin, Pembrokeshire
Family Concert
The programme included a range of music both sacred and secular, from 16th-century polyphony through to our own arrangements of Welsh Folk Songs. The audience joined in enthusiastically when the opportunity arose!
Monday 17th August, 7.30pm
St Mary’s Church, Haverfordwest
Wednesday 19th August, 7.30pm
St Davids Cathedral, St Davids
Like as the Hart | A Concert of Psalm Settings

The programme included works by Renaissance composers Byrd, Lassus, and Palestrina, and moving through the centuries Purcell, Mendelssohn, Brahms, Vaughan Williams, and others, finishing with a new work, ‘The Lord is King’, but our very own Timothy Parsons, and Parry’s iconic ‘I was Glad’.
Tuesday 18th August, 9.30pm
Trefin Chapel, Trefin, Pembrokeshire
Choral Compline
Introit Jesu, the very thought – Bairstow
Anthem My soul, there is a country – Parry
Antiphon Salve Regina – Poulenc

Thursday 20th August, 6pm
St Davids Cathedral, Pembrokeshire
Responses Reading
Canticles Tomkins Second
Anthem Locus iste – Bruckner